Out Of Darkness: Light

A winter concert filled with music meant to reawaken the light inside of us through music. Read the full press release here.
This was a free in-person/online concert for our community; donations were welcomed.
Reserved tickets were the primary way to gain entry in-person; limited number of tickets (around 50) were available at-the-door first-come-first-served. Doors will opened at 7pm.

Concert Program

O radiant dawn,
Splendour of eternal light,
Sun of justice,
Come shine on those who dwell in darkness
And the shadow of death.

Isaiah had prophesied,

“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light;
upon them who dwelt in the land of gloom a light has shone.”

Text: Alcuin (735-804)

Eternal light,
Shine into our hearts.
Eternal goodness,
Deliver us from evil.
Eternal power,
Be our support.
Eternal wisdom,
Scatter the darkness of our ignorance.
Eternal pity,
Have mercy upon us,
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Text: Luke 24:29

Bleib bei uns,
denn es will Abend werden,
und der Tag hat sich geneiget.
Stay with us,
for evening will come,
and the day has drawn to a close.

Text: Office of Vespers – Psalm 140, 141

Světe tikhіy, svi͡atīya slavy Bezsmértnagō,
Ott͡sa Nebesnagō, Svętagō, blazhennagō, Īisuse Khrіste!
Prishedshe na zapad solnnt͡sa,
viděvshe svět vechernіĭ,
poyem Ott͡sà, Sȳna, i Svętago Dukha, Bóga.
Dostóni Esi vo vsę vremenà
pět bȳti glásȳ prepodovnȳmi.
Sȳne Bózhіĭ, zhivot daęĭ:
Témzhe mír tya slávit.
Gladsome light of the immortal one,
Heavenly father, Holy, blessed, Jesus Christ!
Now that we have come to the setting of the sun, and behold the light of evening,
We praise God Father, Son and Holy Spirit, God.
You are worthy at every moment
To be praised in hymns by reverent voices.
Son of God, giver of life:
Therefore all the world glorifies you.

Text: Luke 1:42

Bogoróditse Dévo, ráduisya,
Blagodátnaya Maríye,
Gospód s tobóyu.

Blagoslovyéna ty v zhenákh,
i blagoslovyén plod chryéva tvoyevó,
yáko Spása rodilá yesí dush náshikh.

God-bearing virgin, rejoice,
Blessed Mary,
God is with you.

Blessed are you among women,
and blessed is the fruit of your womb,
for you have borne the savior of our souls.

Text: Anonymous poem (1602)

Und unser lieben Frauen
der traumet ihr ein Traum,
wie unter ihrem Herzen
gewächsen wär ein Baum.

Und wie der Baum ein Schatten
gäb wohl über alle Land;
Herr Jesus Christ der Heiland
also ist er genannt.

Herr Jesus Christ der Heiland
Ist unser Heil und Trost,
mit seiner bittern Marter
hat er uns all erlöst.

And to our dear lady
appeared a dream,
as if under her heart
a tree sprang up.

And how the tree cast a shadow
over all the lands.
Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior,
he is the tree.

Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior
is our salvation and comfort,
with his bitter martyrdom
he has redeemed us all.

Text: Petrus Herbert (died 1591)

Die Nacht ist kommen,
drin wir ruhen sollen;
Gott walts, zu Frommen
nach seim Wohlgefallen,
daß wir uns legen
in seim Gleit und Segen,
der Ruh zu pflegen.

Treib, Herr, von uns fern
die unreinen Geister,
Halt die Nachtwach gern,
sei selbst unser Schutzherr,
Schirm beid Leib und Seel
unter deinen Flügel,
send uns dein Engel!

Laß uns einschlafen
mit guten Gedanken,
fröhlich aufwachen
und von dir nicht wanken;
Laß uns mit Züchten unser Tun
und Dichten zu deim Preis richten!

The night has come
in which we shall rest.
God reigns over the faithful,
according to his pleasure,
that we may place ourselves
in his company and blessing,
cultivating rest and peace.

Lord, banish from us
the impure spirits,
keep the night watch,
be our protector.
Shield both body and soul
under your wings;
send us your angel!

Let us lay down to sleep
with good thoughts,
joyfully awaken,
and not waver from you.
Let us properly direct
our words and deeds
to your praise!

Commissioned for the Wisconsin Chamber Choir
Revised 2021


Text: Petrus Herbert (died 1591)

I. Introit
Requiem aeternam
dona eis, Domine,
et lux perpetua luceat eis.

Te decet hymnus, Deus in Sion,
et tibi reddetur votum in Jerusalem;
exaudi orationem meam,
ad te omnis caro veniet.

II. Kyrie

Kyrie eleison,
Christe eleison.
Kyrie eleison.


Eternal rest
give to them, Lord,
and let perpetual light shine on them.

A hymn to you, God in Zion,
and a vow will be paid to you in Jerusalem;
Hear my prayer,
All flesh will come before you.


Lord have mercy,
Christ have mercy.
Lord have mercy.

Text: John 1: 1-3

In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God.
The same was in the beginning with God.
All things were made that have been made.
Nothing was made he has not made.

For God so loved the world
that he gave his only begotten son,
that whosoever believeth in him
shall not perish but have everlasting life.

Text: 15th Century from the Selden Manuscript
Wisconsin Chamber Choir World Premiere 2015

Out of your sleep arise and wake!
For God mankind now hath y’take
All of a maid without any make,
Of all women she beareth the bell.

And through a maiden fair and wise,
Now we are made of full great price;
Now angels kneel to our service,
And at this time all this befell.

Now we are brighter than the sun;
Now we in heav’n on high shall won;
Blessed be God, this game is begun.

Whoever was thrall, now is he free!
Whoever was small, how great is she!
Now God shall deem both thee and me
Unto his bliss, if we do well.

Now may we all to heaven wend,
Now heaven and earth to us they bend;
He that was foe now is our friend.
This is no nay that I you tell.

Now blessed Brother grant us grace
At doomes day to see Thy face,
And in Thy court to have a place,
That we may there sing Thee,

Text: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882)

I heard the bells on Christmas Day
Their old, familiar carols play,
and wild and sweet
The words repeat
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!

And thought how, as the day had come,
The belfries of all Christendom
Had rolled along
The unbroken song
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!

Till ringing, singing on its way,
The world revolved from night to day,
A voice, a chime,
A chant sublime
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!

But in despair I bowed my head;
“There is no peace on earth,” I said;
“For hate is strong,
And mocks the song
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!”

Then pealed the bells more loud and deep:
“God is not dead, nor doth He sleep;
The Wrong shall fail,
The Right prevail,
With peace on earth, good-will to men.”

Text: Félix Luna (1925-2009)

Noche anunciada, noche de amor
Dios ha nacido, pétalo y flor,
toda es silencio y serenidad,
paz en la tierra, es Navidad.

En el pesebre, mi Redentor
es mensajero de paz y amor.
Cuando sonríe sez hace la luz,
y en sus bracitos crece una cruz.

Esta es la noche que promertió
Dios a los pueblos, y ya llegó.
Es Nochebuena; no hay que dormir.
Dios ha nacido, Dios está aquí.

Noche de paz, noche de amor,
Todo duerme en derredor,
entre los astros que esparcen su luz
bella anunciando al niñito Jesús,
brilla la estrella de paz.

Night long awaited, night of love
God is born, petal and flower,
all is silent and serene,
peace on earth, it’s Christmas.

In the manger, my Redeemer
is the messenger of peace and love.
When he smiles there is light,
and his little arms form a cross.

This is the night that was promised
by God to humankind, and it has now arrived.
It’s Christmas Eve; you don’t need to sleep.
God is born, God is here.

Night of peace, night of love,
all asleep in the outskirts of the town,
among the stars spreading their light
announcing the baby Jesus,
the star of peace shines.

Text: Langston Hughes (1901-1967)
From The Ballad of the Brown King

Mary had a little baby
Jesus that was His name
All the world became much brighter
when little Jesus, the Christ child came
That was in a lowly manger,
Outside the night was cold
But within that lowly manger,
Behold how warm His love is;
Oh, behold!
Mary had a little baby,
In the night a bright star shone
I, so lost, so lost and lonely,
Nevermore shall be alone.

With peace on earth, good-will to men.”

Text: Langston Hughes (1901-1967)
From The Ballad of the Brown King

There’s a star in the East on Christmas morn. Rise up, shepherd, and follow!
It will lead to the place where the Savior’s was born. Rise up, shepherd, and follow!
If you take good heed to the angels’ words, you’ll forget your flocks,
You’ll forget your herds. Rise up, shepherd, and follow!

Follow, follow! Leave your sheep and leave your lamb;
Leave your ewe and leave your ram. Rise up, shepherd, and follow!
Follow the star of Bethlehem! Rise up, shepherd, and follow!

Oh that star’s still shining on Christmas day. Rise O sinner, and follow!
With an eye of faith you can see its ray. Rise, O sinner, and follow!
It will light your way through the fields of frost. Rise, O sinner, and follow!
While it leads to the stable to the shining cross. Rise, O sinner, and follow!

Leave your father, leave your mother, leave your sister, leave your brother!
Rise, O sinner, and follow! Follow, follow! Rise, O sinner, and follow!
Follow the star to Bethlehem! Rise up, shepherd, and follow!


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Online tickets are no longer available. Tickets are available at the door. Cash and credit cards accepted.

